Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What will it take for you to Worship?

I have often asked myself this very question. Because, let's be honest, I don't always feel like it. And I know that I'm not all alone. This very fact reveals something about us, me, that is unsettling. What is it? I don't trust and understand God the way that He longs for me to. Here is a truth that we need to sink our teeth into: We cannot worship God and walk away unchanged. When we really worship, He infects us with himself and we are different. So then the inverse is true. If we aren't different, we haven't worshipped. This is true too often for me. I would venture for you too. So what will it take? Most would argue that true freedom and peace around your life would inspire us to worship. But I find that the times when I am the most attentive to God in our worship services is when there is more turmoil around me. It's a direct correlation. The more turmoil, the more attentive I am in worship. The more outward conflict, the more connection to God. Peace and prosperity lull me into indifference. And I see it in so many others eyes when we gather. So what will it take for you to worship God? To really worship him. If it's hardship, then bring it on. But when there isn't hardship, let us fully embrace an attitude of thankfulness and praise. We must stop turning to God only when we think we need him. Because the truth is that in times of peace and non-conflict, we need him more. Humbly, Dave

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