Monday, January 17, 2011

The Pareto principle in the Church?

Wikipedia defines the Pareto principle as follows: The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Is it possible that this principle is active in the church? I don’t believe that it is intentionally active, but that it is certainly something that needs to be considered. I also believe that, as the church, we don’t do enough to intentionally make it not true. Simply stated, if the Pareto principle is true for the Church, 80% of the action and movement of our church is accomplished by 20% of our people. Let me ask a few questions to break it down a little further. Do 20% of our people do 80% of the volunteer work needed to accomplish our mission? Is 80% of our church budget provided by 20% of the congregation? I would say that in theory this is true. Having said that, it may not be 80-20, but I would imagine there is a great disparity.

Why, then, is this a concern? First of all, if you are one of the “vital few” it may be easy to wear this theory as a badge of honor. It is even possible for the “vital few” to become proud and hold this idea over those who may not be in the “vital few.” If that is you, we are certainly grateful for your contributions to the work of the church. But always keep in mind that it is worship and service, and a great deal of humility is needed to accompany any gift or act. Secondly, if you are a member of the 80% that only gives or accomplishes 20%, then it’s time to invest more of yourself. No matter if you are new to the kingdom and haven’t jumped in yet, or if you feel like you have nothing left to give (either burned out, or feel it’s time for others to do it), it is still vital to the kingdom for you to give of yourself. And finally, you are all vital to the Kingdom. In the kingdom of God there is no “vital few.” I think Jesus illustrated this with the widow and her gift. It’s all about the heart. It is vital that we all have the right heart. Anytime we approach God with a sense of entitlement or with the wrong motivations, we mar the gift.

What if we all gave our all? What if we all used the gifts that God has given us 100% for His purposes? What if we all tithed with a sense of gratitude instead of obligation or neglect? If it is true that 20% are doing and giving, and our church is operation and accomplishing the things that we do, can you imagine what would happen to Salem and the world if 100% of us made that kind of sacrificial contribution?

Think about it. Dream about it. Then jump in with your whole heart.